viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014


In recent years it has encouraged a culture of prevention among women , many health institutions have launched awareness campaigns and discount packages in gynecological comprehensive assessments , which help prevent the occurrence of cancer in women. But are these really effective efforts to combat female cancers, which still comes claiming the lives of thousands of women in Peru?

For Dr. Giovanni Casafranca Mendoza, Gynecologist in Oncogyn , must be congratulated the initiatives to cope with gynecologic cancer , but only if the evaluations are in the hands of trained personnel. In addition , doctor denounced the profit economic for some institutions in this sector. "It is unfortunate that there centers that for attract the largest number of patients have to resort to routine tests irresponsibly and giving misdiagnosis " says Dr. Casafranca.

"For example, the Pap test , which helps to prevent cervical cancer , the correct process is to take a sample of three different sites : the walls of the vagina, the inside of the cervix and the outside of the same ; after, the gynecologist palpates the uterus for abnormalities that anyone could do not it . In many centers, that process is performed by a technologist , not a professional gynecological or pathologist" criticizes the doctor.

It is important that women know where they performing their routine checkups, this will ensure the health of the female population. "We are aware of the crucial role of the Pap test , but also some mistakes that can lead to fatal outcomes ," concludes Dr. Casafranca.

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