viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014


Today is common practice the cauterization of the cervix unnecessarily , often leaving scars that damage the body , especially when it affects the cervical canal. This reality occurs daily unscrupulously in health centers , driven more by economic remuneration that by the  health of the female population.

Cauterization is a clinical term used to describe the burn of a body part in order to destroy an altered tissue. Sometimes these medical procedures are not exempt from abuse, risks and complications.

Cauterization should be the last option if we want treat lesions in the cervix because that can damage its structure and harming future reproductive health in women.

The procedure is outpatient , painless and fast; is input the speculum and,  after application of aseptic and antiseptic, the operation is performed with team called electrocautery that connect to the electrical current and generates an abrasive action about such injuries producing burns , then follows a protocol of physical and sexual rest .

However, it is abusing such acts physicians, for any injury to the cervix, they immediately propose cauterize, sometimes indiscriminately without sufficient medical experience commit negligence. At moment of cauterize, it may occur near or in the same cervical canal, generating a cicatrization that would close this route; causing a barrier to the transfer of sperm to fertilization.

The infertility in these cases may be irreparable , hence the importance of detecting cervical lesions to moment precise through a comprehensive gynecological checkup , which through a test called colposcopy could detect the different lesions of this organ and would be treated timely manner.

The first option is the use of drugs to cure infections, that will produce natural healing of the cervical lesions, to medium term. Often times the same immune system fights these injuries , that just requiring periodic checks. Therefore it must perform procedures such as cauterization of the cervix, only in extreme cases , especially if the patient seeks a pregnancy later.

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