sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014


Fertility treatments increase the chances of developing a multiple pregnancy. However , contrary to popular belief, is not recommended because this type of pregnancy can cause several complications in pregnancy. The reproductive medicine is trying to stop the proliferation of such pregnancies.

The frequency of multiple pregnancy in natural pregnancies is less than 2 %, but with fertility treatment , these increase to 30 % because the ovaries are stimulated to produce more eggs , having more than one egg available to be fertilized .

A multiple pregnancy is not recommended as it implies many risks for the baby and the mother. For example , in the case of babies possible complications include psychomotor disturbances , premature birth, low birthweight. The latter if they become complicated cause death of the newborn.

On the risks of mothers, may experience in a multiple pregnancy , the specialist indicates that the most common being cesarean birth possibility , preeclampsia and diabetes gestational . The complications can also lead to death.

But this situation can be prevented. If a patient receives a personalized, proper control of ovarian stimulation and continuous ultrasound monitoring during fertility treatment reduces the chances of a multiple pregnancy.

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