lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


High blood pressure in pregnancy is very dangerous and very serious because it can cause death of the mother. May cause cerebral hemorrhage , convulsions and alteration throughout the coagulation system. There is the potential to cause kidney damage and severe liver damage.

In an interview with Dra. Gladys Calderon of Oncogyn Clinic in San Miguel, explained that there are two types of high blood pressure in pregnancy: High blood pressure , when the high pressure is present before pregnancy or before four months of gestation. And preeclampsia , which is the most common disease of pregnancy , occurs when the increase in blood pressure occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy and is accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine.

"Preeclampsia can affect the baby because it alters blood flow that is what feeds and oxygen to the baby . The adverse effects of preeclampsia on the child will be more serious if presented earlier (before 7 months is very dangerous )" said Dr. . Gladys Calderon.


The pregnant woman may experience: swelling in hands , feet or face , headaches that do not calms, changes in vision , nausea or pain in the upper abdomen , sudden weight gain , and difficulty breathing .

"The most important sign is the rise in blood pressure, pregnant women should know measure  your blood pressure . All home must have a digital blood pressure monitor further more if pregnant , the pressure under 100/70 is ideal when you're on 120/80 must be alert, " said the gynecologist .

You can not always prevent preeclampsia , but has been seen in different studies , that if actions are taken, the danger is lower. The Dra. Gladys Calderon advises us to begin pregnancy with proper weight and avoid gaining too much weight during pregnancy , calcium intake , antioxidants and aspirin, avoid alcohol and snuff , avoid extreme stress and prevent urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

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