martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014


Through comprehensive gynecological checkup, we can detect different gynecological pathologies that are threaten female fertility, including endometriosis, representing 65% of the causes that prevent pregnancy, being usually corrected by surgery.

"When we do a transvaginal ultrasound can detect various sonographic markers that suggest the presence of endometriosis foci in the pelvic cavity, and thus prevent embryo implantation seeking to develop normally in the womb of the lady," as stated by Dr. Julio César Dueñas, Director of the Fertility Clinic PROCREAR.

With regard to the symptoms of endometriosis, these are: pelvic pain that is product of multiple adhesions generated by endometriosis, menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea); pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia); more heavy periods (menorrhagia); clotted and painful bowel movements; among others.

In the field of reproductive health, is usually recommended laparoscopic surgery to correct endometriosis "during this operation, a thin tube with a camera (called a laparoscope) through a small incision in the abdomen is passed. Once the endometriotic lesions (endometrial tissue implants that are outside of the endometrium) detected can be cut (cutting) or burned using a high energy source such as a laser. It has been demonstrated that the use of laparoscopy to remove diseased tissue in cases of minimal or mild endometriosis improves fertility, "says Dueñas.

If the degree of endometriosis is severe the patient would have to go to assisted reproduction to achieve motherhood, "if we have a mild degree of endometriosis after laparoscopic correction, and if no other causes of infertility reach 90% chance of pregnancy, but if it is more severe which is operated by the same intervention, the odds are pregnancies are minimal, so it is advisable to resort to fertility treatments such as IVF, "says the specialist.

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