viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014


Many women believe that the Pap test is a check up but is this real? The answer is no. The Pap test is the study of the cervix and therefore is part of an examination and a checkup.

We must know that in comprehensive gynecological checkup, five tests are performed to evaluate the eight female reproductive organs such as the vulva, vagina, cervix , uterus, endometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries, breasts. These five tests are comprised of Colposcopy, Cervical Vaginal Smear, Pap Test, Ultrasound and Transvaginal Ultrasound Breast.

The purpose of a gynecological checkup is early detection and prevention of diseases of the female reproductive system. The Pap Test, used to assess the cervix and detect abnormalities such as infection, inflammation, precancerous and cancerous cervical and vaginal hormonal status and cervical lesions.

The Pap smear is a procedure that does not harm women because the harvested cells are those that are shed naturally cervix. The sample is drawn not only from the outside but also the inside of the cervix without causing discomfort in women.

Experts recommend that a woman who already had sex should have a Pap test from 18 and all other women between 21 and 65 years. Also, the American Cancer Society  recommended that health checks in a woman should be annual.

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